In this post, you’ll find an overview of Tantric Yoni Massage treatment providers and services in and around Las Vegas, Nevada.

Yoni Massage is a sensual erotic treatment modality for women that combines ancient Tantric concepts and modern Mind-Body work with an aim of promoting physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual healing.
Yoni Massage is a specialized Full Body Tantra Massage, typically carried out with the use of (warm) oils, which focuses on a woman’s erogenous zones, and commonly includes work with the nipples, vulva, clitoris, vagina, cervix, perineum, rosebud, groin, anus, and inner thighs.
During a treatment a broad variety of traditional and modern massage techniques may be applied, which sometimes also includes the use of certain sex toys, Tantric breathwork, Yoni Worshiping, or specific Tantric rituals and ceremonies.

A session could be aimed only at providing a sensual erotic pleasure experience, but it may also be applied for therapeutic purposes, for instance as a technique for Sexual De-Armoring in order to induce Catharsis, that is, profound emotional and trauma release.
Yoni Massage is also applied as a massage treatment to heal or alleviate specific health issues such as infertility, vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis), pain during sexual intercourse, low libido, vaginismus, anxiety, stress, or depression, among other conditions.
At any rate, below then you’ll find our selection of the Yoni Massage treatment providers we’ve spotted in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Yoni Massage Treatment Providers in Las Vegas
Sacred DeArmoring and Tantra Massage Las Vegas

USA (United States)
California, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Nevada, San Diego
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