Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

 Published: Feb 16, 2022 | Revised: Sep 19, 2023

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

In Reusi Dat Ton (Thai Yoga) you’ll find quite a range of quadriceps stretches (front upper thighs), as part of the various standing, seated, and lying sequences. We’ll show you some pictures below with a few examples. But first this:

The Quadriceps Muscles

The quadriceps include four large muscles located in the front of the thigh, and are part of the main muscle groups of the upper leg part (the thighs), which also include the hamstrings (antagonists to the quadriceps at the back of the thighs), and the adductors (inner thighs).

Supple and strong quadriceps muscles prevent back pains, hip pains, leg pains (notably knee pains), muscle cramps, and muscle, tendon and joints injuries. They also allow for better overall posture and better physical balance, better ability to walk, climb, jump, and run.

By contrast, tight or weak quadriceps can limit our range of motion and ability to stand comfortably, diminish hip flexibility, and lessen our general feelings of wellbeing. Moreover, tight quadriceps can cause back pains (pulling the pelvis and spine), hip pains, and/or knee pains.

Reusi Dat Ton Exercises

One of the characteristics of Reusi Dat Ton (also written Rusie Dutton, Rue-Si Datton, among others) is that many exercises simultaneously strengthen and stretch body parts. This is notably the case for standing exercises, but it also goes for many sitting exercises.

Click for more detailsVideo | More info here
eBook + Video - Wat Pho’s Rue-Si Datton Ascetic Self-Stretching Exercises

For instance, many standing quadriceps exercises will strengthen the quadriceps of one leg (the leg one stands on with the knee bent), while the quadriceps muscles of the other leg are stretched. Of course, one will typically alternate between the left and right leg, and so on.

The standing exercises are usually “Yogic bow poses,” which also stretch the abdominal muscles, while opening the hips, chest, and shoulder muscles.

There are also various sitting exercises that address the quadriceps, but mind here that many standard sitting positions used in Reusi Dat Ton more or less already automatically stretch the quadriceps or at least keep them supple.

And finally — here further below — I will also show you a few images with lying exercises that stretch the quadriceps.

Thai Yoga – Quadriceps Standing Exercises

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga – Quadriceps Sitting Exercises

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga – Quadriceps Lying Exercises

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

Thai Yoga Quadriceps Stretches | Reusi Dat Ton

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