In this post, you’ll find a selection of Yoni Mapping treatment providers in New Zealand, in cities and places like Auckland, Wellington, and in other locations in both the North and South island.

Yoni Mapping, also called Vaginal Mapping or Vulva Mapping, is part of the Genital Mapping realm and involves a somatic exploration of the Yoni in order to find areas of numbness, contraction, disconnection and tension on the physical but also on the emotional level.
In fact, a “map” or “chart” is created from a woman’s inner world to find out what feels good, what feels not so good, what emotions are triggered where and how, and with what parts of the genitals, and so on.
Typically, the Yoni Mapping therapist will work with both the inner parts of the Yoni (the vaginal canal, G-Spot, cervix, and perhaps the uterus) and the outer parts (the mons pubis, labia, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulva vestibule, Bartholin’s glands, Skene’s glands, urethra, and vaginal opening).

The core aim of Yoni Mapping Therapy is to come to a deeper understanding and connection with oneself, being the start of an emotional and sexual healing process. After having “mapped” the Yoni, several dearmoring treatments can come to help to further resolve the issues at hand, such as Tantric Yoni Massage, the Yoni Wand, Erotic Breast Massage, Karsai Nei Tsang, Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage, among a range of other appropriate modalities.
In fact — with consent of the receiver — specific sensual and genital bodywork is applied to physically release the blocked areas of the genitals or erogenous zones, which is thought to also emotionally release and relieve from trauma.
In any case, below then you’ll find our selection of the Yoni Mapping therapy providers we’ve spotted in New Zealand.
Yoni Mapping Treatment Providers in New Zealand
Anahit Massage

New Zealand
New Zealand North Island, Otaki, Wellington
Hannah Vela

Australia, New Zealand
Melbourne, New Zealand North Island, Rotorua, Victoria
Juliette McConachy

New Zealand
New Zealand South Island, Takaka, Tasman
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