Indonesia boasts a variety of herbal vaginal treatments that don’t concern restoration, illnesses or discomforts, but “cosmetic” topics like tightness, freshness, and whitening of the vagina.
Primarily based on “keeping and satisfying your husband,” these kind of treatments are somewhat ambiguous and sexist, to say the least, but we do mention them because they finally are Yoni treatment modalities and traditional.

It needs to be said that vaginal cosmetics and aesthetics are popular through the whole of Southeast Asia, but Indonesia seems to be the country that has really elevated it to the level of an “art.”
In any case, Jamu or Traditional Indonesian Herbal Medicine boasts a variety of products such as herbal tonics, concoctions, soaps, Yoni Wand-like Tongkat sticks, pills and gels to, for instance, cleanse, whiten, dry, or tighten the vagina.
In Indonesia, you will find products with hallucinating names like Sari Rapet (Essence of Tightness), Galian Rapet (Tight Digger), Rapet Wangi (Tight & Fragrant), Jampi Rapet (Tightening Spell) and, you can believe it or not, Empot-Empot Ayam (Tight as a Chicken’s Arse).
It’s still a growing and blossoming industry, and the Indonesian media are full with ads for these kinds of products and local aphrodisiacs. Sometimes they take up complete aisles in supermarkets.
A bunch of traditional healers offer tightening treatments, sometimes even with Islamic themes, spreading the notion that it’s a woman’s religious obligation to serve her husband’s sexual needs by having a tight, clean, fresh and virginal vagina.
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