Traditional Asian massage, body and energy work is without doubt unparalleled — ancient, proven, diverse, humane, holistic, fascinating, smart. No domain is shunned — from relaxing to healing, from supporting to restorative, from gentle to tough, physical to emotional, from playful to therapeutic, from sensual to genital, it’s all there, all possible, all feasible.

For us here at, the Asian Traditional Healing Arts are a very gratifying topic — we love it — it’s simply super interesting and mesmerizing. Thousands of years of tradition in healing medicine, working so intimately with human beings, very closely and holistically, is just simply captivating.
With our eBook Genital Massage and Bodywork we’ve respectfully and delicately entered the realm of traditional treatments of Asia (and of other continents, by the way) that covers our sexuality in the complete sense of the word. We believe to have created a truly unique overview of a wide variety of popular, much used traditional treatments for sexual healing, of which some have seen a remarkable revival in past years.
We have first started the book with giving an extensive introduction to traditional genital treatments — we explore the goals, the various types and categories, why they are important to us, precautions & contraindications for taking a session, and what to generally expect of a genital or abdominal treatment.

Subsequently, we’ve listed and described the various genital, sexual, and reproductive organs treatment modalities, categorized in traditional and modern treatment modalities. Per modality we explore the concepts, aims, the supposed benefits, and sometimes also the session procedures.
And in the last section of the book, we give supplementary info on particular sexual and genital practices and some further insights in the context wherein traditional genital treatments appear.
Taking in the book, you will notice that traditional sexual and genital treatments cover many facets of human life — marriage and partnerships, family life, procreation, eroticism, pleasure, and sensuality, pregnancy and postnatal confinement, self-improvement, self-fulfillment, spirituality, feminine identity and sacred femininity, womanhood, manhood, creativity and longevity, just to name some of the most important domains.
We feel that traditional sexual and genital treatments deserve our full attention, not as things being separate and living in dark and hidden corners of our being, but fully embraced as an integral part of our lives.
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