In this post, you’ll find an overview of Tantric Lingam Massage treatment providers in and around Pretoria, South Africa.

Lingam Massage is a Sensual Erotic and Genital Massage treatment based on Tantric and Neo-Tantric concepts and contemporary massage techniques with a primary aim of promoting physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual healing for men (or Lingam owners).
Although a highly sensual and erotic treatment modality, an authentic Tantric Lingam Massage is not meant to be a Happy Ending or Full Service Massage. Nonetheless, some Tantra Massage providers may offer “extra services,” which may be included in the price of a session or alternatively need to be paid extra for.
As a rule, Lingam Massage is carried out slowly and consciously. It’s a Whole-Body Tantric Massage, which may be accompanied with Tantric rituals, ceremonies, and initiations, such as Tantric Eye-Gazing, the Hands on Hearts Ritual, Tantric Sex positions, Tantric Bathing, and/or Lingam worshipping practices. In fact, what exactly will be included in a session depends on the goal of a session, and the lineage, training, and proficiency of the Lingam Massage therapist.

Apart from massaging the entire body by using massage techniques such as stroking, kneading, and rolling, the masseur or masseuse typically applies acupressure on and around the penis, testicles, inner thighs, perineum, and groin. Lingam Massage may also include internal Prostate Massage, commonly called a G-Spot Prostate Massage, or Edging and Semen Retention practices.
As session can be carried out solely to give a sensually and erotically pleasurable experience, but it can also be an opportunity to heal or alleviate a range of general, sexual, or genital health conditions, such as prostate disorders, erectile dysfunction, sexual trauma, premature ejaculation, low sex drive, anxiety, stress, and/or depression.
In any case, here below you’ll find an overview of the Tantric Lingam Massage providers and services we’ve spotted in and around Pretoria.
Lingam Massage Treatment Providers and Services in Pretoria
Temptress Sensual Massage

South Africa
Cape Town, Durban, Gauteng, Johannesburg, KwaZulu-Natal, Pretoria, Western Cape
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