In this article, we take a deeper look at Sen Kalathari — one of the ten primary Sib Sen Energy Lines in Thai Massage — also called the emotional and psychic Energy Line or psychological and spiritual Sen. We will notably discuss why this Sen Line has emotional and psychological indications.

Sen Kalathari (i.e. Sen Kalatharee) is a rather extraordinary Sen Line in Thai Massage because it’s the only Sen Line that actually covers the entire body from head to toes, the front side and backside of the body, from left to right, and to all the endings of the limbs (arms, hands, legs, and feet).
One of the main reasons it’s called the emotional, psychological, and/or spiritual line is because it explicitly traverses the abdominal area at the location of the navel going straight through our digestive and emotional center. In the case of Sen Kalathari, the “digestive center” is not only related to physical digestion, but also to emotional digestion.
As Sen Kalathari covers the gastrointestinal tract (notably the small and large intestines) in the abdomen it’s also associated with the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) which governs the function of the gastrointestinal tract, and which is capable of acting autonomously, that is, outside our conscious, voluntary will.

The ENS is sometimes called “our second brain” and is a nervous system that can influence digestion, mood, general health, and moreover — the way we think and feel. For instance, the ENS may trigger distressing emotions in people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other bowel issues such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain, and an upset stomach.
Sen Kalathari also crosses the liver, spleen and stomach, which in Asia are considered internal organs that have or hold a certain “emotional load.” For instance, the liver may hold anger, fear, and frustration, and the spleen and stomach can hold thoughtfulness, overthinking, and worry.
In addition, Kalathari is strongly associated with movement of the limbs, which in an emotional sense has to do with our freedom, flexibility, vitality, and lightness.
Hence, Sen Kalathari is the foremost Sen Energy Line to treat therapeutically in order to emotionally relax body and mind on one side, and at the same time energize and vitalize body and mind on the other side. The latter is not only connected to emotional and spiritual invigoration, but also to physical vitality because Kalathari runs parallel to the principal arteries in the body and therefore likewise stimulates our circulatory system.
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