According to Thai Traditional Medicine (TTM) theory, each person has a Dominant Body Element according to their date of birth, and some additional factors of which we will talk a bit further below in this article.

In Thailand, one’s Dominant Body Element (or Ruling Body Element) is called Tard Chao Ruan, which is also written as Thard Chao Ruan or That Chao Ruan, and is typically one of the Four Elements as defined in TTM.
This Tard Chao Ruan is thought to play an important role in one’s overall health and appearance, while it’s also believed to strongly influence strengths and weaknesses with regard to one’s physical and emotional-mental characteristics.
When visiting a TTM clinic or hospital, the TTM doctor or practitioner will — besides using standard TTM assessment methodologies and techniques — usually also perform a diagnosis based on the patient’s date of birth to identify their Dominant Body Element according to the time, month, and year of birth and the season of their conception.
In addition, an assessment of one’s personality (character), habits, upbringing, diet, geographic location, genetics, and health condition is made, which likewise informs what our actual Dominant Body Element is. Moreover, a person may have more Body Elements that are stronger than other Body Elements, which can define a person as a mixture of Dominant Body Elements.
All by all, to know one’s Dominant Body Element is an art in itself. We should also keep in mind that many other factors can play a role in one’s physical appearance, personality, and/or physical or emotional-mental weaknesses, strengths, or affects at a given moment in one’s life. Think of one’s age, the season, the environment one lives in (nature, city, polluted or not, hot or cold climate, humid or dry, mountainous, plains, etc.), the type of job occupation, viruses and bacteria, the quality of food and drinks, etc.

In addition, TTM also looks at things that for the Western mind may be outlandish. Think, for instance, of the influence of ancestral spirits, evil spirits, astrological events, and Karma, which are thought to likewise influence the balance of the Four Body Elements.
It means that TTM treatments will not only take into account what one’s Dominant Body Element is but will also prescribe according to what actually is going on at a given moment, that is, what Body Elements are in excess, depleted, or dysfunctional with regard to the complete holistic make-up one is situated in.
One of the important things to keep in mind is that people should especially guard their Dominant Body Element against excess because it’s already a strong Element. For instance, people with a Dominant Fire Element should avoid nutrition that is too spicy or over-heating or climates or weather that is very hot, and should try to include bitter and cooling foods and reside in a cool environment to balance i.e. mitigate their inherent Dominant Fire Element.
Nonetheless, people should also guard against depletion of their Dominant Element, because it’s exactly this Dominant Body Element that “makes them the special person they are,” and moreover, often forms their strong qualities both in the physical and emotional-mental realm. Depletion or a lack of their Dominant Body Element would “make them less themselves.”
At any rate, below you’ll find an overview of the characteristics of people according to their Dominant Body Element, which can give a clue in knowing what one’s Dominant Body Element might be (or what mixture).
Earth Element (Tard Din)
Dominant Earth Element people are most commonly born during the months of November, December, or January.

These persons have a darker complexion, dark and thick hair, thick nails, and large eyes, a loud and clear voice, have strong joints and large bones, have a large body usually being tall, are muscular, have healthy organs, and are likely to be overweight, but rarely ill.
As for their personality they are friendly and kind, sociable, loyal, organized, grounded, balanced, they love peace and harmony, are compassionate, have leadership qualities, are thorough and persistent, quiet, staid, but relatively inert.
Their appropriate diets include astringent, sweet, or salty flavored food, and starchy vegetables such as guava, rambutan, mangosteen, banana, taro root, yam, potato, etc. Appropriate drinks include sugar cane, coconut, soymilk, and orange juice.
Heath problems may more easily manifest in the digestive and excretory system, they are more prone to having pains and aches at body parts and joints, tumors, hemorrhoids, skin disease, bone disease, and may more easily experience respiratory issues.
Fire Element (Tard Fai)
Dominant Fire Element people are usually born in February, March, or April.

A person with a Dominant Fire Element tends to have a sturdy and athletic body, has clear eyes, is easily balding or graying, has a wrinkled or oily skin, thin or soft hair, cannot withstand hot weather, has a strong circulatory and metabolic system, has much appetite, and loose joints.
As for their personality, they tend to be hot-tempered, quick-tempered, impatient, easily irritable and stressed out, intellectual, courageous and fearless, have good social and communicative skills, have moderate sexual desire, are romantic, open-minded, charming, stubborn, imaginative, strong, passionate, energetic, and enthusiastic.
Their appropriate diets include cool, bitter flavored, or bland food such as water melon, cucumber, Siamese cassia, gourd, radish, eggplant, cabbage, etc. Drinks should include pandan leaf, watermelon, and chrysanthemum tea.
Health problems may more easily manifest as suffering from frequent internal heat, mouth ulcers, digestive issues, heart disease and fever.
Air or Wind Element (Tard Lom)
Dominant Wind Element people are most likely born in the months of May, June, or July.

They tend to be tall and skinny, have a dry or rough skin, small eyes, joints that make cracking sounds when moving their body, have difficulty withstanding coldness, are talkative, have a low-pitched voice, and low sexual desire.
Dominant Wind Element people tend to be fickle-minded, easily angered, easily overcome, easily bored, intelligent, cheerful, high-spirited, lively, vivacious, hardworking, artistic, creative, timid, sensitive, positive, improvising, and have sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
Their diet should include hot and spicy flavored food such as ginger, galangal, lemongrass, pepper, chili pepper, basil, holy basil, fennel, garlic, etc. Drinks should include lemongrass, ginger, and galangal.
They tend to be more susceptible for chest and heart problems, bloating, digestive issues, constipation, respiratory illnesses, insomnia, faintness, and heartburn.
Water Element (Tard Nam)
People with a Dominant Water Element are typically born during the months of August, September, or October.
A person with a dominant Water Element has a healthy body and organs, clear and pleasant voice, proportionate body shape, good blood quality, good and firm complexion, skin and hair, sparkling eyes, steady gait, and black shining hair.
As for their personality, they are able to withstand hunger, heat, and coldness, have a healthy sexual desire, like pleasure and comfort, have a good memory and leadership qualities, are sensitive, polite, calm, empathetic, intuitive, emotional and romantic, but also somewhat lazy and sluggish.
Their ideal diet includes sour and bitter flavored food, such as orange tomato, pineapple, kaffir lime, lime, young tamarind leaf, Chinese bitter cucumber, Chinese bitter gourd, etc. Drinks should include lime, tamarind, orange, roselle, and tiger herb.
Health problems may more easily manifest as issues with their blood circulatory system (including low or high blood pressure), urinary tract system problems, blood diseases, eye diseases, while having a tendency towards depression and anxiety.
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