Pegging 101: Is Pegging Sex on your Bucket List?

Published: Jul 17, 2022
Edited by: Team TB

Pegging 101: Is Pegging Sex on your Bucket List?

© Image by V For Vibes

If you didn’t know, pegging is traditionally where a woman wears a strap-on dildo to penetrate her man anally. Many couples engage in pegging for various reasons, the main one being to reverse the roles in the sexual relationship, give a dominant man a break, and give a submissive woman the chance to dominate. Oh, and of course, it feels incredible for the male involved (don’t hate it until you’ve tried it!).

Pegging, as well as using other anal sex toys, can be an excellent experience for those who want to explore it. Interested? Read on …

Why Choose Pegging?

Pegging is a topic that either provokes instant arousal or instant panic among men. Some people are really into it, and others are not. And that’s okay! That’s why we have so many different kinks; if pegging doesn’t suit you, then something else definitely will. But for those who do (or think they will) enjoy pegging, why is this the case?

Firstly, anal sex among heterosexual men has long been a taboo due to the association of anal sex with emasculation and also due to the urban myth that if you’re a man into anal sex, you must be gay (all of this is totally false of course). So basically, because of internalized homophobia and forced gender roles, heterosexual men have been made to feel ashamed for liking anal stimulation.

Well, we are here to say ‘screw you’ to these issues in society. Anal sex can be very pleasurable for a man and should be accepted throughout all genders and sexualities. Who are we, as a society, to take that away from them?

When we say that anal sex can be pleasurable for a man, we mean it.

When a man is penetrated in the anus, this stimulates his prostate, which is essentially like the male g-spot. Hello, waves of pleasure, lads!

On top of the physical pleasure, a lot of men enjoy the role reversal in pegging. Instead of making the rules, they adhere to them, which can be a huge break from their daily routine and work, usually placing them in a power position. Again, society –uh– presents heterosexual men as the dominant figure during sexual intercourse, so it’s nice to flout this unspoken rule and let a woman take control for once.

Vibrating Anal Toy

How to engage in pegging

Before you go out and buy your first strap-on dildo, you must first talk to your partner; firstly, you need to ask if they are willing to try pegging out. If you are even remotely curious about pegging, it’s worth bringing it up with your partner. You never know; they might just say yes! If they are, ask them their expectations and communicate yours to them. Once you’re both on the same page, you can move on to more practical preparations…

  • 1) Start with your fingers. Anal sex isn’t something you can just do. You need to work your way up to the dildo. So for the first couple of sessions, leave the strap-on in the drawer and simply experiment with inserting your fingers into your man’s anus, starting with one finger and then adding more when they’re ready. Here are some tips on how to move your fingers inside your man:
    • Lube up your fingers and their anus BEFORE any penetration. Lube makes the world go round, let’s just say.
    • Make circles inside the anus.
    • Slowly thrust in and out of the anus.
    • Make a ‘come hither’ motion against the prostate, which is approx. 2 inches inside the anus along the front wall.
  • 2) Move on to pegging. After using your fingers, you could also experiment with a butt plug set if you fancy. You can get sets of butt plugs in increasing sizes, and some even vibrate! Alternatively, you could just move on to the strap-on dildo. We recommend choosing a smaller size at first. If the recipient chooses to, they can opt for a bigger dildo when they have more experience. So how do you do it?
    • Cover your man’s bum hole and the dildo with lots of lube.
    • Press the tip of the dildo to their bum hole.
    • Have the receiver take a deep breath in and exhale. When they exhale, get them to lift their hips as you press the dildo in. This should help their body accept the intrusion of the dildo. Slowly glide the dildo in, listening to your partner. If they say stop, stop! If they want more, give them more. But always go slowly.
    • Allow your partner to fully adjust to the dildo inside them and move according to their desires. Although you are in control, let them have control here, too.

Opis – 3 piece luxury gem butt plug & anal training kit by V For Vibes

Safety Advice for Pegging

Although generally considered safe, there are a few risks that come with pegging. But if you take the right precautions, you shouldn’t need to worry too much about them.

  • STIs: Although pegging does not involve bodily fluids from another penis, there is still a risk that an STI could be transferred from the dildo if it has been used with another person. And even though you may be using a dildo on your man, you can still transfer an STI to him by rubbing your own bodily fluids on him. The best way to avoid STI transmission is to get regularly tested for all STIs. If you have used the dildo with another person, clean it well and put a condom over the top of it.
  • Poop: This is the main reason that stops people from indulging in a little pegging play. They think that the man’s butt is going to explode with poop immediately. This is simply not going to happen because to get the poop from the colon to the rectum to the anal canal takes some contraction work on your man’s side. That being said, it is possible that there might be some poop residue on the bum hole, so make sure your man showers beforehand—no need to use an enema.
  • Pain: Another reason stopping people from having anal sex; they think it will be painful. It’s only painful if you do it wrong. The best approach to preventing pain during anal sex is to go slowly and to listen to the receiver. It’s their a** hole, after all, so don’t assume anything. If they say it hurts, it hurts. To avoid pain, make sure your partner is as relaxed as possible. Maybe give them a massage beforehand to get them in the zone. And use lots of lube!

Final Word:

Pegging can be an amazing experience for those of you that want to experience it. Communicate with your partner and discuss what you want out of the experience. Set an evening aside to relax and explore the prospect of pegging. If you’re into domination, why not add in a little BDSM play into your pegging when you feel ready to? Make sure you have a safe word, though. And our biggest suggestion? Lube!

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