Current cancer treatment in Thailand often includes a mixture of Modern Biomedicine and holistic treatments such as Thai Traditional Medicine (TTM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the latter applied as treatments that help reduce side effects of the disease and used as supplementary treatments in conjunction with Modern Biomedicine to improve cancer treatment results.

The Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (DTAM) proposes principles of Dhammanamai as a means of taking care of cancer patients’ health using natural methods, recommending holistic and integrated healthcare for cancer patients that cover physical, mental, spiritual, social, and environmental aspects.
Hence, the idea is to use Dhammanamai principles as a means of strengthening the body’s immune system and prevention of cancer at its root, but also as a supplementary cure for health recovery of cancer patients.
The DTAM proposes that the following three health care components of Dhammanamai should be applied:
Kayanamai (Healthy Body)
Kayanamai (Physical Health) is about taking care of the health of the body to be strong and resilient.
This starts with food, emphasizing consumption of local food such as Sour Curry, Liang Curry, Yellow Curry, and Jungle Curry.

From research done by Asst. Prof. Dr. Somsri Charoenkiattikul, a lecturer at the Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University (Nakhon Pathom, Thailand), it was found that all four types of Thai curries can cause cancer cells to naturally shrink, reduce inflammation, and reduce the risk of cancer.
In addition, it’s believed to be important to focus on eating fish, brown rice, beans, sesame, and a variety of vegetables.
As a general advice, it’s recommended to eat foods that are clean (uncontaminated) and that contain antioxidants, which will help prevent the forming of cancer cells and reduce DNA cell damage. Antioxidants are found in many types of local Thai herbs, herbal supplements, and vegetables, such as in Neem flowers extracts, Watercress, and Indian Gooseberry.
It was also found that getting enough rest and sleep, avoiding vices and inappropriate behaviors, as well as exercising with Reusi Dat Ton or other appropriate exercises can support patients’ recovery and/or prevent or reduce the risks on developing cancer.
Jitanamai (Healthy Mind)
Jitanamai (Healthy Mind) is the care of the patient’s mental health, which includes various therapeutic activities such as meditation therapy, chanting therapy, art therapy, music therapy, and laughter therapy.
It’s thought that the abovementioned activities will help calm the mind, remove stress, and promote a better quality of life, which can prevent cancer to appear or support cancer patients during recovery.
Chevitanamai (Healthy Behavior)
Chevitanamai (Healthy Behavior or Healthy Lifestyle) is the care in terms of living a good and honest life according to the context of society, culture and traditions, such as having an appropriate career and keeping one’s external environment in order, such as planting trees, keeping the house clean, and arranging materials and equipment appropriately.
These types of activities are likewise thought to prevent the risk of cancer and other diseases, while being an aid in recovery from cancer.
And Finally
Apart from adhering to Dhammanamai practices, the DTAM advices to regularly check on possible cancer developments in the body (at least once a year for people aged over 35) by doing physical examinations with a professional healthcare provider.
The DTAM also recommends that those who are interested in taking care of their health with Thai Traditional Medicine according to the principles of Dhammanamai inquire with Thai traditional doctors at government hospitals nationwide or directly at the DTAM for additional info and/or training options.
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