Thai Massage Therapy | Endurance of Clients and Patients

Published: Oct 10, 2013 | Revised: Mar 6, 2023
Edited by: Marce Ferreira

The Endurance of Thai Massage Clients

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We often don’t realize that people are rather tough creatures. They feel they must endure. That it’s expected from them. Especially when receiving a therapeutic Thai Massage session. It means clients and patients are often inclined to take more than they can actually handle.

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It’s something we practitioners need to be aware of — we can easily over-mobilize, over-press, or overstretch without even knowing it. The best advice I can give here: better safe than sorry!

But even so, very often the receiver doesn’t show or shows too late that something’s not okay, even when we tell beforehand to say to us when “something feels uncomfortable.” Yes, it’s extremely hard to guess, to assess, to know — particularly with first-time clients.

One could object that a professional Thai Massage therapist should know how much to give, how far to go. That it’s in the game of being a masseur. I agree, we should. But this sensitivity comes with time only, with experience. Gradually. And probably only after having made some miserable mistakes.

Then of course, we become much more careful and cautious. Tender. Gentle. Because we don’t want to lose clients and moreover, we don’t want to hurt people. On the contrary — we want to heal them.

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