Learning to give an Infant or Baby Massage is especially interesting for parents, because the gentle, caring and warm touch of a parent strengthens the bond between parents and child.

Apart from that, massage can help to stimulate a baby or infant’s muscular and nervous system, help prevent any malformation, and can assist in a healthy development of the child’s body, mind and spirit.
Also, Infant Massage calms the child by reducing anxiety and stress, improves immunity and self-esteem, stimulates better sleep, relaxation, focus, appetite, and relieves common ailments associated with young children such as abdominal and stomach discomfort, fever, or excessive crying.
Baby Massage is often applied using relaxing or soothing oils and creams. Keep in mind that young children often have less ability to concentrate or focus for a longer period and massage sessions generally are much shorter than those given to teens or adults.
In Singapore, attention for mother and child care is quite intensive and promoted by various organizations and the government. Low fertility rates, the fact that mothers get older having their first child, stress and individualization in Singaporean society, combined with modern insights and aided by sufficient personal finances to invest in advanced mother and child care, have significantly contributed to this having become a well-developed industry.
Training Courses & Providers
International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM)
The IAIM association works worldwide in more than fifty countries, including Singapore. A typical IAIM course consists of five sessions of one to one and a half hours duration. Sessions are held weekly to allow you and your baby to absorb all the information and get used to the massage. The IAIM also organizes teacher training courses.
Aesthetics International Academy
Established in 1978, Aesthetics International Academy is a pioneer in the beauty industry. The academy provides training and development programs for professional aestheticians. Additionally, the academy also offers an Infant Massage course and a Child Massage Therapy training course.
The Infant Massage course can be taken within a period of half a day, and the Child Massage Therapy training course (based on Child Tui Na) can be taken in two days.
Aesthetics Lab Professional Skills Academy
Alps academy runs professional beauty therapy training, such as Aromatherapy Courses, Massage Therapy Courses, and Body Therapy Courses, among others. Their Infant Massage Therapy course takes 12 hours and is eligible for SkillsFuture Credit.
Spatec Academy
Spatec Academy is an aesthetic, beauty and spa training & education institute, established in February 2002. The academy ofers the WSQ Provide Infant Massage which takes 18 hours.
TCM and You
TCM and You has as its goal to propagate wisdom, knowledge and benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the broader public. TCM and You offers an online course on Udemy called How to perform Effective TCM Baby & Child Massage and an online Professional Pediatric Massage course.
Mummy Baby Care
Mummy Baby Care is run by Sin Swan (Sharon). Mummy Baby Care specializes in prenatal and postnatal support for new mothers, providing massage services & breastfeeding advisory support. Baby Massage classes are offered for newborn to 9 months or before the baby starts crawling. Classes seem to take one hour max, duration in days is not specified.
Baby College
Baby College supports parents and children in the earliest years of their journey together. The college offers a Baby Massage course for babies of 0 – 9 months with 5 weekly classes.
Inspire Mum & Baby
Inspire Mum & Baby is a Fitness center for Women & Babies in Singapore. Modalities offered are Yoga, Swimming, Dance, Pilates, Massage, Birthing Movement, and much more. The baby massage training course takes between 20 minutes and 1.5 hours. There’s also a Baby Movement workshop for babies with special needs offered.
Mother & Child
Mother & Child offers comprehensive prenatal and postnatal services in Singapore. There’s a baby massage course/workshop for mothers and one for fathers available. The courses take three sessions of one hour each.
PDB Academy
PDB Academy іѕ one of the largest Mоthеr & Bаbіеѕ’ wеllnеѕѕ асаdеmies in Singapore. They offer specialised trainings оf mother and baby wellness programs, like Infant & Child Massage,
Lасtаtіоn Breast Mаѕѕаgе, Postnatal Massage, Prenatal Massage, and Tuina for Infants.
EAMT AromaBeauty & Massage Training School
EAMT AromaBeauty & Massage Training School runs training centers in Canada, Taiwan and Singapore, and is specialized in aromatherapy and massage trainings. There’s a Baby Massage course available, but no duration is specified.
June’s Beauty School
June’s Beauty offers beauty care programs with in-house diplomas and certificates, as well as ITEC internationally recognized qualifications. The Infant Massage course duration is not specified.
Raffles Health
Raffles Health is dedicated to improving health and quality of life, offering a variety of health and wellness products and services. Their Infant Massage Course is given every Saturday and takes one day.
Singapore Spa Institute
The Singapore Spa Institute offers a broad range of Spa and Wellness courses and training in Asian and Western style bodywork. The institute offers the WSQ Provide Infant Massage course which takes 2 days.
SOHA Institute
The Department of Healing Arts of the SOHA institute offers a Specialised Massage Therapy for Special Needs of Children of 8 hours and the WSQ Provide Infant Massage course of 2 days.
Beauty Mums & Babies
Beauty Mums & Babies offers a variety of Baby and Infant massage courses and workshops, sometimes in combination with other training providers.
Ways Baby
Ways Baby supports parents and babies and offers a variety of related products and services. Offers IAIM Infant Massage courses.
MNB Nurturing Touch Specialists
MNB Nurturing Touch Specialists in Singapore offers training, classes and resources in the area of positive touch and relaxation. There is an Infant Massage course (from IAIM ) and a Children Massage course (MISP) available.
Thomson Medical
Thomson Medical Group is headquartered in Singapore and is a healthcare services provider and offers a TCM Massage course for babies and children (Xiao Er Tui Na).
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