Baby Yoga training sounds perhaps a bit awkward, but then again, it really exists. Surely a baby cannot do Yoga by itself, so naturally a Baby Yoga class is in fact an adult Yoga class in which the parent applies gentle assisted Yoga exercises and stretches to his or her baby.

The baby or infant typically lies on a blanket in front of the parent while the parent (under guidance of a Baby Yoga teacher) applies upper body stretches, gluteus strengthening, squats, lunges, abdominal exercises on the baby, and so on. Sometimes a Baby Yoga class also includes Restorative Yoga poses and sequences for the new mother.
In any case, during a session (or “class”) the baby is placed in a variety of “Yogic” positions giving it quite some physical stimulation, which again helps to induce better sleep quality for the baby. A session can also be of help to alleviate the baby’s stomach and intestinal troubles.
As a whole, a Baby Yoga or Infant Yoga class is also a moment to build increased bonding between parent and child, which is good for both the baby’s and the parent’s emotional wellbeing.
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