Shinzui Bodywork was developed by Philippe Vandenabeele, and is a holistic, interconnected full body manual therapy rooted in Eastern bodywork traditions, with special emphasis on Shiatsu, Ampuku Abdominal Massage, and Meridian work, complemented with Western visceral, fasciae, and musculoskeletal bodywork.
The word “shinzui” is Japanese for “essence,” and the Shinzui Bodywork Method is about reaching one’s essence through touch, communicating with the body’s inherent intelligence.

One of the important approaches of Shinzui Bodywork is to work with the body’s “different layers of intelligence,” and listening to, and attuning the different rhythms in the body, such as the internal organs, the myofascial system, the cranial sacral structure, the heart region, and respiratory system, with particular focus on the abdomen or Hara, and the different vessels and Meridians in the body.
The Shinzui Bodywork Method aims at improving the receiver’s overall health and wellbeing, by stimulating Ki Energy flow, and rebalancing internal body systems, such as the hormonal, circulatory, nervous, musculoskeletal, and lymphatic system.
Some health benefits include relief of musculoskeletal pains, anxiety, illness, common ailments, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, depression, burnout, fibromyalgia, and headaches.
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