Barefoot Massage Techniques | Walking Massages

 Published: Feb 2, 2021 | Revised: Aug 31, 2024

Barefoot Massage Techniques

© Image by Ben Salter

Barefoot Massage is a massage treatment that’s performed with the feet only, that is, the hands, arms and knees are not used to apply the actual massage. Nevertheless, the hands may be used also as part of the treatment, but only to pull or support body parts of the receiver, for instance, to deepen a stretch or to position a receiver while pressing with the feet.

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Treatments during which the practitioner uses the feet are thought to have a more “earthy” quality than the ones done with the hands or other parts of the body. In general, one can also apply more pressure on muscles and other body tissues. Typically, these types of massages are given with the receiver lying on the floor (on a mat or mattress) or lying on a large over-sized massage table or bed.

Apart from being able to give more pressure, using the feet to give massages avoids (repetitive) strains for the hands and wrists of the masseur making their work easier, healthier, and more balanced.

Mind also that Barefoot Massage is not “just” a massage given with the feet; the feet are very specific massage tools, and the therapist applies various techniques to apply pressure by using the ball of the foot, the toes, the heel, the arch (or instep), the side of the foot, or the whole plantar region (the sole). Moreover, by accurately using bodyweight while leaning in or out, various amounts of pressure can be given.

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In addition, sometimes practitioners use a stick, rod, or rope to keep their balance while “walking over the patient,” the latter being the reason why barefoot massages are sometimes also called “Walking Massages.” In general, the therapist keeps one foot on the floor while using the other foot to apply the massage, alternating their left and right foot.

Barefoot massages are quite common in Asia, and in some regions healers only use barefoot techniques to give massage. Nevertheless, barefoot massages are not something extraordinary, because many traditional massages are given by using all parts of the practitioner’s body. In that sense, Barefoot Massage techniques may simply be part of a common massage routine, applied when the therapist thinks that it’s more beneficial for the receiver.

Well-known Barefoot Massage modalities in Asia are Japanese Ashiatsu Massage, Thai Fire Therapy (Yam Khang), and Chavutti Thirumal (Ayurvedic Keralite Barefoot Massage).

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