Qi Healing is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment modality and a general term for balancing Qi in the body, removing blockages in the Meridians, and focusing or redirecting Qi to bodily areas that need it.
Different types of TCM treatments will accomplish this in different ways. In fact, Herbal Medicine, Tui Na, Acupuncture, Qigong, Moxibustion, Cupping, to name some TCM treatments, are all aimed at Qi Healing, among other goals.
Nevertheless, there’s also a form of Qi Healing that directly emits, transfers or transmits Qi Universal Energy from the therapist or healer to the patient. The practitioner doesn’t need to physically touch the receiver of the treatment. This kind of Qi Healing is called Fa Kung or Fa Gong.
Fa Kung healing is usually done with the patient standing up. Without touching the patient, the healer senses Qi energy blockages with the palm of the hands and removes them. After the treatment, the receiver is sometimes given specific Qi Gong exercises which will keep the area open i.e. unblocked.