Esoteric Breast Massage | Healing for Women by Women

 Published: Apr 25, 2022 | Revised: Jan 21, 2024

Woman massaging breasts

The Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) was created in 2006 by Serge Benhayon, the founder and director of Universal Medicine.

EBM is described as a healing modality for women offered by women. This gentle and delicate massage is applied with warm creams and oils directly to the skin on the area around the breast, focusing on the lymphatic system, the heart area, the nurturing centers (below the breasts), and self-empowerment area (above the breast).

The treatment can release areas of tension, hardness, and contraction around the breasts while improving energy and blood flow to the area.

It’s also viewed as a treatment for women to reconnect to and feel more aware of their body, besides experiencing more gentleness toward themselves and truly nurture and honor their being.

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