African Digui Massage | Le Digui®

 Published: Jan 27, 2021 | Revised: Feb 17, 2023

African Digui Massage | Le Digui®

Digui Massage is a massage treatment modality that originated in Mali and the North of Côte d’Ivoire. It was Renée Amy Beke, a well-being coach, who brought and pioneered the practice in France and trademarked her interpretation as Le Digui®.

Originally, it’s an ancestral practice transmitted mainly from generation to generation. Traditionally, the massage is given by the mother to her child a week after childbirth, but in some ethnic groups it is performed as a rite of passage into adulthood.

A session includes long stretching and enveloping movements, vibrations, deep pressure, and percussions at a tonic and invigorating rhythm, including the use of Shea butter or essential oils. The session may also be accompanied by traditional or modern African music.

Apart from its relaxing properties, this massage technique also helps to relieve muscle pains, nervous tension and stress. Tissues are toned, more flexibility and range of motion stimulated, and energy revived.

The Digui massage can be given on a massage chair, massage table or bed. More info about this massage can be obtained at the website of Renée Amy Beke.

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