In this post, you’ll find an overview of Abortion Doula training and course providers in California, in and around cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Diego.

An Abortion Doula provides informational, practical, physical, mental, emotional, gender-affirming, and trauma-informed support to women during their abortion process, which extends to the period before, during, and after an abortion.
The support provided is an additional level of care outside of the technical and surgical medical care that surrounds the concrete abortion. It specifically asks for a non-judgmental, sensitive, and open-minded approach of the Doula involved.
The tasks of the Abortion Doula may involve answering questions about the abortion process, addressing misinformation about abortion, logistical support, information about behavioral health, advocacy, planning meals, and offering the person involved comfort, calming touch, massage, breathing exercises, guided meditation, and visual relaxation to help diminish pains, stress, anxiety, and/or discomfort.
In any case, below then our overview of the Abortion Doula trainings and courses we’ve spotted in the United States. Mind that many of the Abortion Doula trainings are for free. In addition, some trainings are rather provided as complementary education within Full-Spectrum Doula training.
Abortion Doula Course and Training Programs California
Bay Area Doula Project (BADP)

USA (United States)
Bay Area, California, San Francisco
Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings

Canada, USA (United States)
Austin, California, Dallas, Encinitas, Gatineau, Ottawa, San Diego, Texas
Birthworkers of Color Collective

USA (United States)
California, Long Beach, Michigan (California), San Diego
Cornerstone Birthwork Training

USA (United States)
California, Oakland, San Francisco
Sierra Childbirth Institute

USA (United States)
California, Sacramento
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