Ngangkari are Aboriginal healers of the Anangu of Central Australia, which includes the Pitjantjatjara, Ngaanyatjarra and Yankunytjatjara peoples.
In Ngangkari Traditional Medicine it’s believed that the spirit can become displaced through trauma, which causes both mental and physical disorders. Ngangkari healers bring the spirit back into place, being notably proficient at treating psychological disorders.
The Ngangkari approach of healing includes techniques such as observing, listening and touch. With massage and rubbing they release blockages from the body and apply various herbal tinctures and ointments where required.
Massage can be applied to all major body parts and includes the abdominal area (which is thought to be connected to the mind/spirit), various tendons and muscles and so-called “strings” associated with the circulation of blood to the brain.
Apart from rubbing, massage, touch and herbal medicine, the use of special sacred tools, a blowing technique, singing, and dancing may be applied also in treatments and are deemed equally important.