Faith-Centered Doula or Faith-Based Doula support is professional, evidence-based pregnancy, birthing, and/or postpartum Doula care given from out a religious perspective, which could be any kind of religion or faith such as Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Indigenous spirituality, and so on.

It goes perhaps without saying that the pregnant woman (and most likely also her family) would often already adhere to certain specific religious or spiritual practices, and deliberately chooses for a Faith-Based Doula who matches her beliefs or convictions. Nevertheless, women sometimes choose a Faith-Based Doula not so much out of religious motives, but rather because these types of Doulas are usually highly specialized in supporting unmedicated childbirth.
At any rate, in general it would mean that spiritual or religious beliefs, scriptures, ceremonies, and practices (for instance, reading holy texts, praying, and having trust in God’s help) are an integral part of the entire process of support in the pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period.
Typically, Faith-Based Doulas are so-called Pro-Life Doulas (that is, it’s rare to find Faith-Based Abortion Doulas, for instance), traditional-family or family-centered based (for example, it would be exceptional to encounter Faith-Based LGBTQ+ Doulas), and in most cases strong advocates of natural and/or unmedicated births.
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