The Topics of Our eBooks

 Published: Aug 17, 2024

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Choosing topics for our eBooks to write about

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Most of our eBooks cover massage, bodywork, and alternative or complementary healing practices. But how do we decide what topic to write about?

First all, when we created the website, our idea was to only cover the Thai Healing Arts, notably with emphasis on Thai Massage and Thai Yoga (Reusi Dat Ton).

It’s then only natural to go deeper into specific sub-topics, such as Sen Energy Lines, Thai Massage and Spirituality, Thai Abdominal Massage, Thai Midwifery, and so on, to finally notice that you have actually started to write about the entire Thai Traditional Medicine system.

In addition, you begin to see that there are close connections with other traditional healing arts, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Yoga, Taoist and Tantric bodywork practices, traditional sexual healing, Eastern spiritual and meditation practices, and so on.

In fact, from one thing you naturally touch other things. You increasingly realize that all systems and modalities connect to other systems and modalities, which is notably the case in Asia where different cultures, civilizations, and healing systems have influenced each other profoundly during millennia.

Every time we embark on a new topic we learn more. Not only about the topic itself but most of the time also about modalities we wrote about before, which then often makes it necessary to revise those earlier works. Moreover, by diving into new healing modalities you also discover treatments and systems you’d never heard of before. Well, today it looks like it’s a never-ending story.

Thus, we still have quite a list of smaller and larger domains we want to write books about, which includes themes such as Tibetan Tantric Medicine, Folk Medicine in the Philippines, Indic Siddha Medicine, Malay-Indonesian Healing Practices, Traditional Maori Healing, and Curanderismo and Spiritism in Latin America, just to name a few things.

Anyway, no lack of topics to write about and I suppose it will keep us busy for years to come. Sometimes, we feel somewhat overwhelmed; we created our first eBook in 2019, and now in 2024 we’ve published more than fifty, not counting our Video Workshops that cover Thai Massage and Thai Yoga. All by all, we feel that it’s a very interesting endeavor simply for ourselves to learn more about the world around us, and hopefully also for our readers.

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