— Paul Brunton —
Many spiritual teachers have claimed that Self-Realization — or Spiritual Enlightenment, if you wish — doesn’t fundamentally change the personality. Yet, a confident calmness, acceptance and serenity, something that’s rather the natural radiation of that which is firmly established, comes about living itself.

It’s thought that Self-Realization is not something “special,” nothing extraordinary. No blue lights flashing. It’s the most natural thing. It’s just this silent recognition of what-we-really-are.
This recognition breaks down the illusion of being a separate entity and an independent “doer.” It likewise advocates cleaning up loose ends, unfinished business, and “traces” left behind, while living life complying with its natural, spontaneous demands.
It — at the same time — elevates the person into being a fully normal and naturally functioning “phenomenon,” being a Natural Man. All “specials,” all extraordinary “qualities,” all so-called “achievements” are entirely erased from the cognizant level.
The Natural Man looks around and doesn’t see anything “behind” that what shows itself. What is there, is all-there-is, it’s what-is, complete and perfect. It’s one-thing.
Self-Realization doesn’t change anything — on the contrary — all changing ends.
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