Bowen Massage Therapy

 Published: Nov 8, 2020 | Revised: Feb 16, 2023

Bowen Massage Therapy

Bowen Massage Therapy (Bowen Technique or Bowen Therapy) was developed by the Australian Thomas Ambrose Bowen.

Although Thomas Bowen didn’t document his method, after his death a number of people interpreted his work, resulting in a variety of styles and names, such as Smart Bowen, Fascial Kinetics, Integrated Bowen Therapy, Neurostructural Integration Technique, Fascial Bowen and Bowenwork.

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The technique involves gentle stretching of the fascia (the tissue that envelops muscles and organs). Additionally, Bowen Massage uses a precise and gentle form of rolling hand movements (using thumbs and forefingers) across muscles, tendons, ligaments. The primary aim of the technique is to reduce pain by stimulation of the nervous system.

A very distinct characteristic of Bowen work is that there’s a “pause” incorporated between each set of moves, where the therapist actually leaves the treatment room to allow the communication process in the body of the receiver take place. It’s thought that these pauses or breaks (two to five minutes each) heighten the effectiveness of the treatment.

Apart from helping with pain relief, increased flexibility and mobility, Bowen Massage Therapy is used to treat a variety of health pathologies, such as frozen shoulder, headaches and migraine attacks, back and neck pains, knee injuries, stress and anxiety, fatigue, depression, and high blood pressure.

Bowen Therapy is suitable for all ages. A session typically takes between thirty minutes and one hour. The receiver lies or sits down and wears loose-fitting clothing.

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