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An overview of our articles about Self-Massage concepts, techniques, and treatment modalities.
Reusi Dat Ton Training Course | What Can Students Expect?
Bodywork students who start learning Reusi Dat Ton — aka Thai Yoga Self-Massage and Self-Stretching — often don’t realize that the t [ ... ]
Reusi Dat Ton Chest Opening Exercise Demonstration
Reusi Dat Ton or Thai Hermit Yoga is an ancient form of Thai Bodywork. The practice consists of breathing exercises, self-massage, self-stretches, vis [ ... ]
Self-Shiatsu Massage | Techniques, Advantages, and Disadvantages
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What is Self-Massage? | Techniques, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Self Massage — also written Self-Massage — is applying massage to yourself. That sounds pretty evident, but it does mean that you should m [ ... ]
Exerssage | Facial Yoga Treatment and Self-Massage
Exerssage, also known as StarFace Exerssage, was developed by Sabrina Stevens, and combines Facial Yoga and Self-Massage. It’s basically a Do-It [ ... ]
Traditional Self-Care Tools, Aids, and Essentials
Traditional Self-Care tools, aids and essentials vary widely, depending on the type of Self-Care modality, may that be massage, herbal medicine, bodyw [ ... ]
Thai Self-Massage for the Feet and Legs
In this post, I explain a Thai Self-Massage sequence I use to treat the legs and feet. The video you can watch further below is part of our Video Work [ ... ]
Abdominal Self-Massage Treatment | Self-Care for the Abdomen
Abdominal Self-Massage — which includes Self-Help Fertility Massage — is increasingly taught around the world and is a Self-Care treatment [ ... ]
Thai Self Massage Treatment | Chest and Back Exercises
In this post, I explain the Thai Self Massage sequence I use to treat the chest and back. Thai Self Massage is part of Reusi Dat Ton practices. The vi [ ... ]
Abhyanga Self Massage | What to Expect of Ayurvedic Self-Abhyanga
In Ayurveda, Self Massage as part of a range of Self-Care practices is considered of great importance. Self-Care is of such significance that Ayurveda [ ... ]
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