In this post, we’ll supply you with an overview of Fertility Doula training centers and course providers in the USA, which covers both in-person and online trainings and courses.

Fertility Doulas (sometimes also called Holistic Fertility Doulas or Preconception Doulas) are trained non-medical professionals who aim at supporting and guiding people on their road to pregnancy and parenthood.
The Fertility Doula is proficient in supplying informational, educational, logistical, and emotional support to women who want to get pregnant, and for their partners if applicable.
Training is usually of a short duration (a couple of days) and may be given in-person or live online or rather through prerecorded videos, or as a combination of in-person and online training. Typically you will also receive some PDFs and a recommended book reading list. The online courses can be done at your own pace.
One can enroll for a training course as is and become a Fertility Doula, but it may also be a continuing education course or specialization for one who’s already working as a Birth Doula or Full Spectrum Doula.
At any rate below then our overview of the Fertility Doula trainings and courses we’ve spotted in the United States.
Fertility Doula Course and Training Programs – USA
Allo Doula Academy

USA (United States)
Albuquerque, Colorado, Denver, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, New Mexico, Westminster
Birthing Advocacy Doula Trainings

Canada, USA (United States)
Austin, California, Dallas, Encinitas, Gatineau, Ottawa, San Diego, Texas
Mama Glow

USA (United States)
Brooklyn, New York (State), New York City
National Black Doulas Association®

USA (United States)
Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, Columbus, Detroit, Georgia, Maryland, Memphis, Michigan, New Jersey, Norcross, North Carolina, Ohio, Suwanee, Tennessee, Virginia
The Divine Birth Academy

USA (United States)
California, San Francisco, San Joaquin County
The Elite Doula & Co Training Academy

USA (United States)
Abilene, Texas
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