The Dreams We Have

 Published: Sep 20, 2024 | Revised: Sep 21, 2024

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Your dreams - Fulfill them

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We all have dreams I suppose … these dreams about our future. Of how we want it to be. How we want to live. Some have realized their dreams, but most people you meet have not or are working at it. We all have different dreams though. I wouldn’t want to go into that particularly. I mean, some dreams may be better than others. I don’t know.

The thing is that if we don’t go for our dreams, something in us always stays unhappy. It doesn’t matter if the dream is worthwhile in an objective sense or not. A desire unfulfilled (if that desire stays in us) is something that “eats” us.

Our dream — mine and Helissa’s — is freedom from an employer, freedom to decide how we spend our time, and wanting to live in the midst of Nature in silence and peace. Well, we’re working on it.

We run the website, which now after 5 years gives us our bare, minimum income, but it will probably take another 10 years of saving money before we could actually start about thinking to live on the countryside.

For the moment then, we build the website. We work hard on it. Luckily enough we have a municipal forest park with native forest only 2 km from our home and we spent as much as time allows us in it; hiking, enjoying the forest, hunting mushrooms, refreshing our energy, meditating the views of the surrounding mountains … the clean air, the peace.

We’re glad we started developing the website 6 years ago. It was a good choice. It all went in very different ways than we first thought it would, and today we feel it’s still much harder than we thought it would be. But we’re grateful we don’t have an employer and that we can decide when we work, when we take a brake, when we hike, when we rest.

It doesn’t mean it’s “leaning back.” It’s not at all making money while you sleep. It’s working every single day on it, at least 44 hours a week, getting up at 5 AM, working on it at 8 PM if needed, and so on, always different. The difference is that we more or less decide how to do it, when to do it, and how much to do. That’s a blessing.

We think … it’s what everybody needs. Freedom. Freedom to organize your own time, even if it means that you may need to work harder than when you would for a boss. It’s about freedom, I feel. The freedom to be able to take charge of your own life. To be really re-sponsible: giving an authentic response to the demands of life.

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